1. Scientific articles submitted for publishing have to be original, topical and never been published before.
  2. Length of the article should not exced 15 pages in defined format. Microsoft Word text editor must be used for writing.
  3. Articles must be written using Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing and follow the following form:
  • Title -14 point bold capital letters aligned to the center.
  • Full author´s (co-author´s) name with information about current workplaces and affiliation [10 point normal letters aligned to the center].
  • Abstract – 9 point normal letters, extent 3-5 lines.
  • Keywords – 9 point normal letters.
  • The article text – 12 point normal letters.
  • Reference list.
  • Contact – e-mail – 9 point normal letters at the end of the article.
  1. Title and abstract of article wrote in no-english language must be in english.
  2. Figures, graphs and tables must be included in the text and numbered and must contain description (9 point normal letters).
  3. The citations and bibliographies should be done according to the standards defined in attachment ‘Citation and reference list’.
  4. The article should be submitted in electronic form to the e-mail:
  5. The editorial board will consider submited article in the next scheduled meeting. If it decides to include the article in the next issue it submits the manuscript to the editors for review. The final version (before printing) will be sent to the author for the final revision.

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